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          RAM® Strap Hose Clamp Ball Base

          Availability: In stock
          Delivery date: 5 weeks
          SKU: RAM-B-108BU-HUM1
          The RAM-B-108BU-HUM1 consists of a 1" diameter rubber ball connected at a right angle to a v-shaped base. The RAM-B-108BU-HUM1 accommodates rails from 1.0" to a maximum of 2.1" in diameter. To mount the RAM-B-108BU-HUM1 base, place the saddle shaped plate on the rail then wrap the metal clamp strap around the rail and plate. Tighten the screw knob on the metal strap with a screw driver until the strap has a firm hold on the rail. The RAM-B-108BU-HUM1 is an alternative mounting base for Beechcraft airplanes with a “throw over yoke”.