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          RAM® Track Ball™ Quick Release Mount for HydroWave™ Speaker with 18" Rod

          Availability: In stock
          Delivery date: 5 weeks
          SKU: RAM-B-316-18-TRA2-383
          Kayak fishing is all about adaptability. RAM Mount offers the widest selection of kayak fishing accessories to adapt to a wide range of fishing scenarios. The custom mounting kit enables quick, effective deployment and retrieval of your HydroWave™ speaker, while protecting it from damage. Perfect for kayak applications, the included rigid mounting arm can quickly be retrieved if you enter shallow water or when beaching your kayak. With little effort, the HydroWave™ mount can quickly be moved to a different kayak with an existing 1" RAM ball. Compatible transducers include the HydroWave™ Speaker. This product is not recommended for top loading gear tracks.